By Pam Arian on Wednesday, 20 January 2021
Category: Parking Enforcement

Finding Nemo in Parking Services

 January 2021 - Creating a beacon - by turning the flashlight on and off repeatedly - the device was located within minutes.

A Happy Ending

How did this enforcement device get home safely?

It was Friday night and we got a panicked call from a municipal customer.  An officer had misplaced their enforcement device in the field and it was nowhere to be found.  Could we help locate it?  It was dark, cold and we were 425 miles away.

Within minutes, using our tracking software, we located the device and watched it move down the street until it stopped moving.  We texted the enforcement supervisor detailed screen shots of the device’s location which was surrounded by large bushes.  It was a 30-minute car ride for the supervisor and he dreaded searching in the large, dark bushes. Once he was on the block, we remotely turned on the device flashlight.  Next, we created a beacon by turning the flashlight on and off repeatedly.  Within minutes the device was located.   A good Samaritan found the device and hung it safely on a street sign.  A happy ending for both the officer and device.

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